
Posts Tagged ‘Lunch’

Tomatoe & Lettuce Sandwich

You say tomato, I say, tomáto

This really is an old standby, but sometimes we need a reminder of  just how

good it is, because sometimes we forget.  At least that’s how it was for me

whenI whipped this up.  I’ve been staring a hoards of tomatoes salvaged from

mygarden, which got terribly neglected in the last couple of months.  With the

impending cooler weather, my husband graciously gathered them all up and

nicely put them all over my deck so that everyone who came, could see what

lovely tomatoes I grow. (I think it had more to do with him wanting to plough

up my garden and plant his winter wheat).

[A sure sign of fall; the leaves on the field of soybeans, are turning yellow]

At any rate, I’ve got all these tomatoes and I just haven’t had time to do

anything with them. So yesterday, well past lunch time, rushed and famished,

I made myself a toasted tomato sandwich.  What an absolutely delicious

surprise it turned out to be.  In fact, it was so good … I had to make a second.

[Beets, zucchini and ripe tomatoes from my garden]

So what’s the t’mater with you?? 

So, if like me, you have an abundance of garden tomatoes sitting around, just

waiting to be used, make yourself one of these toasted delights.  If you live in

Ontario, like I do, it’s one of the last tastes of summer, you’re likely to have for

awhile.  So you won’t want to miss it!



Toasted Tomato & Lettuce Sandwich

Bread – in this case, I used some sliced round Calabrese bread, but feel free to

use whatever you like best.  Some prefer toasted, some don’t — the good thing

is — there are no rules!

Tomato – red, juicy, vine-rippened and … just picked.

Lettuce – washed, crisp leaves.

Mayo – a generous helping of mayo is always great with tomatoes.

Salt & Pepper – a light sprinkling of each, pulls all the flavours together.

Time Saver:  I’m sure I made this in under 5 minutes.


From my garden, to yours …..  don’t worry about it, it doesn’t  ‘tmater!


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 Asian Steak Salad

 It’s a Lunch Thing … Asian Steak Salad

Lunch is one of the most difficult meals of the day, not because it’s actually

difficult, but because it always seems like you’ve just finished clearing away

breakfast and you’re in no mood to start hauling food out of the refrigerator

again.  On days when we’re busy and we want something quick, I often try to

make use of  leftovers.  In this case, it’s a piece of barbecued steak that

amazingly got stored in the fridge the night before, because not a soul could

squeeze in one more mouthful.

Sliced thin, across the grain, the leftover steak makes a respectable meal when

paired with the Asian Island Crunch Salad Kit by Dole.  I sprinkle the steak

with a few drops of water to moisten it, pop it in the microwave for 40 seconds

or so, drop it on the salad and top it off with the Dole condiments kit, give it a

good toss and voila — lunch is served!

Dole’s Asian Island Crunch Salad Kit includes a delicious variety of thoroughly

washed and chopped iceberg and romaine lettuces, red and green cabbage,

grated carrots, and crisp snow peas.  Toppings include, toasted, slivered

almonds, dried pineapple bits, crunchy chow mein noodles and Dole’s own

Sesame Ginger dressing.  The dressing has a lot of flavour, so you rarely need


What Dole says: Not including the steak, it’s only got 150 calories per 1-1/2

cups and 8 g of fat.

What This Sweet Wife says: I LOVE this salad, it’s light, quick, easy and keeps

me going for hours! The toppings are awesome!


Tip:  this works with leftover chicken, pork or even canned tuna. If you

haven’t got any of those … just serve as is and enjoy!

This Sweet Wife

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